classify(v, e, samplerate, vt = 100, sigma = 6, minblink = 0.08, minsac = 0.02, glswin = 0.04, alpha = 0.7)
- v
- a vector of the instantaneous velocities for a set raw gaze samples
- e
- a vector indicating blinks or otherwise bad data in the velocity vector
- samplerate
- the number of samples taken in one second of time
- vt
- saccade onset velocity threshold
- sigma
- when greater than 0, the saccade onset velocity threshold is iteratively adjusted such that
the saccade onset threshold is sigma standard deviations higher than the mean of all velocity samples
lower than the saccade onset threshold, when glissade detection is enabled sigma/2 is used as the
saccade offset velocity threshold
- minblink
- the minimum duration in seconds required for noise to be considered a blink
- minsac
- the minimum saccade duration in seconds
- glswin
- the duration (in seconds) of the window post-saccade to look for glissades in, setting to 0 disables glissade detection
- alpha
- the weight (from 0 to 1) of the saccade onset threshold component of the saccade offset threshold,
1-alpha is used as the weight for the noise threshold component the saccade offset threshold
Velocity based classification of raw gaze samples to discrete events such as saccades and fixations.
With this classifier, fixations are what ever samples are left after identifying all other events.
In other words, there is no concept of minium fixation duration.