The Gazetools reference class is the main entry point for gaze classification and analysis.
that holds gaze-related timeseries information.samplerate
initialize(..., import = NULL)
.data(smi) g <- with(smi, gazetools(smi_sxl,smi_syl, 500, 1680, 1050, 473.76, 296.1, smi_ezl, smi_exl, smi_eyl, blinks=(smi_dyl==0|smi_dyr==0), timestamp=smi_time)) gReference class object of class "gazetools" Field "data": time timestamp x y ez ex ey blinks vx 1: 0.000 1068466338 814 528 711.848 42.687 40.523 FALSE 24.87131 2: 0.002 1068466340 807 527 711.805 42.684 40.521 FALSE 22.39873 3: 0.004 1068466342 811 527 711.618 42.644 40.521 FALSE 19.92616 4: 0.006 1068466344 820 526 711.634 42.600 40.539 FALSE 17.45358 5: 0.008 1068466346 817 524 711.645 42.596 40.539 FALSE 14.98100 --- 3433: 6.864 1068473258 1279 884 699.559 44.578 40.291 FALSE 13.09796 3434: 6.866 1068473260 1278 887 699.542 44.577 40.290 FALSE 13.62483 3435: 6.868 1068473262 1278 886 699.626 44.562 40.267 FALSE 14.15169 3436: 6.870 1068473264 1278 883 699.609 44.581 40.294 FALSE 14.67856 3437: 6.872 1068473266 1279 881 699.592 44.580 40.293 FALSE 15.20543 vy v a noise sx sy 1: -3.5719230 25.12650 1346.160 FALSE 810.2522 526.5043 2: -2.5065834 22.53855 1346.160 FALSE 812.2901 526.1553 3: -1.4412439 19.97821 1346.160 FALSE 814.0980 525.9005 4: -0.3759043 17.45762 1346.160 FALSE 815.6759 525.7397 5: 0.6894353 14.99686 1346.160 FALSE 817.0237 525.6731 --- 3433: 2.1218048 13.26871 293.232 FALSE 1277.2295 884.0051 3434: 1.8642203 13.75177 293.232 FALSE 1278.6454 884.2851 3435: 1.6066357 14.24260 293.232 FALSE 1280.1219 884.5487 3436: 1.3490512 14.74043 293.232 FALSE 1281.6589 884.7957 3437: 1.0914667 15.24455 293.232 FALSE 1283.2565 885.0261 Field "samplerate": [1] 500 Field "rx": [1] 1680 Field "ry": [1] 1050 Field "sw": [1] 473.76 Field "sh": [1] 296.1 Field "window": [1] 23 Field "timestamp": numeric(0) Field "minsac": [1] 0.02 Field "classifier": list()g <- with(highspeed, gazetools(x,y,1250,1024,768,.38,.30,.67, blinks=(x==0|y==0))) gReference class object of class "gazetools" Field "data": time timestamp x y ez ex ey blinks vx vy 1: 0.0000 -1 325.82 166.54 0.67 0 0 FALSE -6.4908246 -12.255447 2: 0.0008 -1 325.48 166.56 0.67 0 0 FALSE -6.1163817 -11.908952 3: 0.0016 -1 325.45 166.24 0.67 0 0 FALSE -5.7419387 -11.562458 4: 0.0024 -1 325.16 165.72 0.67 0 0 FALSE -5.3674957 -11.215963 5: 0.0032 -1 324.63 165.90 0.67 0 0 FALSE -4.9930528 -10.869468 --- 94945: 75.9552 -1 265.41 108.89 0.67 0 0 FALSE -0.1894770 3.455755 94946: 75.9560 -1 266.90 109.53 0.67 0 0 FALSE -0.2740067 3.477440 94947: 75.9568 -1 266.56 109.80 0.67 0 0 FALSE -0.3585363 3.499124 94948: 75.9576 -1 266.67 109.12 0.67 0 0 FALSE -0.4430659 3.520809 94949: 75.9584 -1 265.83 109.06 0.67 0 0 FALSE -0.5275956 3.542494 v a noise sx sy 1: 13.868193 637.7035 FALSE 324.9245 166.9629 2: 13.387803 637.7035 FALSE 324.7600 166.6576 3: 12.909697 637.7035 FALSE 324.6052 166.3610 4: 12.434140 637.7035 FALSE 324.4603 166.0731 5: 11.961435 637.7035 FALSE 324.3251 165.7941 --- 94945: 3.460946 109.0834 FALSE 265.7028 108.8617 94946: 3.488218 109.0834 FALSE 265.6967 108.9501 94947: 3.517445 109.0834 FALSE 265.6884 109.0390 94948: 3.548578 109.0834 FALSE 265.6778 109.1284 94949: 3.581567 109.0834 FALSE 265.6651 109.2185 Field "samplerate": [1] 1250 Field "rx": [1] 1024 Field "ry": [1] 768 Field "sw": [1] 0.38 Field "sh": [1] 0.3 Field "window": [1] 53 Field "timestamp": numeric(0) Field "minsac": [1] 0.02 Field "classifier": list()